SHU-TE University 109 Master’s Year Master’s Program Enrollment [Registration]

Brief chapter:

Registration method 1. Internet filling and mailing

1. Fill in the registration form with the principle of “network filling”.
2. Date of completion of the Internet: From 12:00 on Tuesday, October 1, 2008 to 16:00 on Wednesday, November 13, 108.
3. Registration URL:
4. Please pay the written information to be paid together with the registration form. Do not separate.
5. The registration information will be mailed and paid by postmark (including private express delivery).

Registration method 2, on-site registration and payment of information

1. The registration form will be submitted to the on-site computer for filling in the form and the relevant information for registration (including written information)
2. Processing time: November 14, 2004 (4) 10:00 to 12:00, 13:30 to 15:00

Oral test date: Sunday, November 24, 2008
Detailed oral test report time and related information are published in the Admissions Examination Service Network,Please On November 21, 2008 (Thursday) self-checking the time of the interview, and not sending a paper notice.

Let the list:

1. November 27, 2008 (3) 17:00 Announced the list of admissions test service network
2. Send a notice of progress (including the situation of picking up the situation, taking the report to the student and preparing for the delivery). If you have not received it, please check the list and announcement message online.

Getting a report:

1. Getting a report:
(1) On-site registration: From December 2nd to December 6th, 2008, 08:00~17:00, pay to the Academic Affairs Section of the Academic Affairs Office of the school.
(2) Newsletter registration: December 2nd to December 6th, 108th (postmarked by post), mailed to the Academic Affairs Office of the school by postal time registration or private express delivery.
Please refer to the section headed for details. After being overdue to voluntarily give up the qualifications, the school will be prepared for the students.
2. Send out the results notice (including the situation of picking up the situation, taking the report and obtaining the student’s supplementary notes, etc. If you have not received the information, please check the list and announcement message yourself).